I hadn’t done much research into my family origins or what my name meant until this interview, but I’ve found that there’s a lot I hadn’t known. I was born Henry Hutter Gilson, a pretty simple sounding first, middle, and last name, but I’ve come to find that it’s not as simple as it looks. My first name was chosen by my parents, who wanted me to have a name that was easy to pronounce and understand, while still being more unique and interesting to say. My middle name is my mother’s maiden name, something I had known for a while. My last name is Luxembourgian, one side of my family immigrated to American from Luxembourg, the other side from Sweden, and we all ended up in Chicago purely by chance. My family identifies as White, we don’t really celebrate and Swedish or Luxembourgian traditions, although some of them do seem pretty cool, like Bretzelsonndag, a tradition in which a man offers a woman a pretzel as a token of his love on the Sun...